
5 Teeth Whitening Treatments To Avoid & The Safe DIY Alternative

Samantha Greene

With teeth whitening on the rise yet again, it seems that people of all ages are now chasing that million dollar Hollywood smile.

The top reasons for doing so range from “better chances at dating” and “landing my dream job” to “looking younger” and “boosting self esteem”.

Unfortunately, with such strong motives a person can become susceptible to the countless harmful treatments that are being pushed on every corner.

Choose wrong and apart from the monetary loss, you are also at risk of sensitivity, gum inflammation, and irreversible damage to your tooth enamel.

Of course, you won’t hear about this from the giant oral care companies.

And that is precisely why we brought it upon ourselves to do a deep dive into the teeth whitening treatments you should avoid & what to do instead:

1. Teeth Whitening Toothpastes

Most toothpastes that mention “whitening” on the box actually contain abrasive ingredients which scrape away your tooth’s enamel and reveal the yellowish dentin underneath. This actually makes your teeth appear MORE yellow over time and can lead to a series of dental problems.

But wait, it gets worse. Most of these toothpastes also use hydrated silica, pyrophosphates, & other harmful junk. Hydrated silica not only harms the enamel but also prevents the re-mineralization of it.

2. Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powders

Much like teeth whitening toothpastes, charcoal powders are also abrasive and harmful to your teeth. This is because activated charcoal itself is very abrasive.

Prolonged use can lead to loss of tooth structure because the grittiness of activated charcoal removes a lot more than just surface stains.

3. In-Office Dental Laser Bleaching

Most people assume that the best options for teeth whitening are those offered by professionals at a dental clinic. While this line of thinking makes sense, you should always do your own research and be mindful of financial motives.

Since these treatments are cosmetic, they aren’t covered by dental insurance. This means you’re paying for multiple sessions with each one costing roughly $400.

Of course, these treatments won’t only hurt your wallet; your teeth and gums are fair game too. Due to the concentration of the bleaching agent, in-office treatments are generally far more painful than at home treatments. The lasers used are known to harm mouth tissue and dental pulp (the inner part of the tooth that is alive).

4. Over-The-Counter Whitening Strips

Despite being very popular and relatively affordable, over-the-counter whitening strips have their own set of issues.

Whitening strips can contribute to the loss of protein from the dentin layer of your teeth. The true long term impacts of this are currently being studied.

Several experts also believe that frequent use of whitening strips results in gingival irritation and inflammation of the gums which can lead to other gum disease.

Apart from the potential damage, whitening strips are also notorious for the “needle-like” pain and sensitivity they cause. Due to this discomfort, most people stop treatment early and quit before achieving any real results.

5. Baking Soda & Lemon Juice Or Other Kitchen Finds

Just because something is natural or can be found in your kitchen doesn’t mean it’s good for your teeth.

There are internet trends where people claim to whiten their teeth using baking soda and lemon juice. Simply put, this is a horrible idea.

Baking soda is highly abrasive and will gradually strip your tooth enamel away. Lemon juice, on the other hand, is too acidic to sit on the surface of your teeth and will actually cause them to lose calcium. Once calcium is lost, it’s irreplaceable.

And this goes for most of the teeth whitening videos you’ll see online. Whether it’s brushing your teeth with salt (don’t do it), or whatever gimmick they come up with next.

Alright, so now we covered what you shouldn’t do…

Here’s what you should do instead:

The best way to whiten your teeth is actually using a three part treatment.

1) Non-toxic water-soluble whitening gel

2) Blue light therapy (non-ultraviolet)

3) Red light therapy (non-ultraviolet)

Doing all three parts of this treatment is one of the only ways to get lasting results without damage to your enamel, dentin layer, or gums.

One of the most affordable ways to do all three is with the Accelerated Teeth Whitening Kit from Mint.

While you could search for dupes with questionable ingredients, this particular kit is dentist-formulated for sensitive teeth. Which, as it turns out, is actually pretty important when you don't want to end up burning your gums or causing any damage.

This at-home kit comes with 3 gel pens and a wireless LED mouth tray.

Here's how you do the treatment:

Step 1) Apply the whitening gel to your teeth.

It's a proprietary gel containing water soluble carbamide peroxide and natural ingredients like peppermint oil, chamomile extract, raw coffee extract, and ginseng extract. This gel naturally destains your teeth from years worth of coffee, wine, & staining foods. The result is the restoration of the bright white color your teeth once had.

Step 2) Put the LED mouth tray in and start the blue mode.

There's a self-timer so you'll be doing the blue light therapy for 15 minutes. It may sound a bit silly but the blue light is actually known to react with peroxide to release oxygen. This whitens teeth and kills anaerobic bacteria that may cause gum disease, bad breath, and even tooth decay. Over 16 clinical scientific studies also suggest that blue light wavelengths may help reduce tooth plaque as well as treat gingivitis and numerous other ailments.

Step 3) Do the red light mode on the LED mouth tray.

This is a crucial step when it comes to recovery and soothing any tiny bit of sensitivity you may experience if you have naturally thin enamel. Mint claims the products don't cause any sensitivity but added this red light therapy as an extra measure. Red light therapy is widely used to improve blood circulation and stimulate the regrowth of gum tissue and bone growth.

If you want a whiter smile that lasts without putting your oral health in danger, this is probably the best way to do it.

Here is where you can get your own At-Home Wireless Teeth Whitening Kit from Mint. Good luck and enjoy your pearly whites!

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